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Site Disclosures

Transparency is important to me, and this page helps explain what an affiliate link is, and discloses the uses of them on the homepage.


In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume that some or all the links used on this homepage can provide compensation for sales of certain items.

I am an Amazon associates affiliate

BestHomepageEver is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

I participate in the eBay Partner Network affiliate program

BestHomepageEver is a participant in the eBay Partner Network affiliate program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Compensation from Companies

Best Homepage Ever is a for-profit website. I may accept advertising compensation from companies that appear on Best Homepage Ever or its various webpages that appear on the homepage.

Clarity Analytics

I use Microsoft Clarity to track user interactions on the homepage. This data is used to improve the user experience and to help me understand how users interact with the homepage.

Opinions and Advice

Any opinions expressed on my website are of my own.


Prices are identical whether you purchase through an affiliate link or not. You will not pay more by making purchases on a company's website through the homepage.

What are affiliate links?

Purchases made on sites listed on BestHomepageEver pay commission to me, when users of the site buy items from these sites. This money is used, in part, to keep the servers running, hire freelancers, pay for the SSL security, ownership of the domain, and to pay for improvements to the page.

Does this Affect Me?

Nope. Nothing has changed, except USA FTC regulations and terms that may be put forth by companies which require me to disclose this information.

Your Privacy

I always respect users' privacy - nothing has changed. For more information about your privacy, please see the BestHomepageEver privacy policy.

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