Questions and Help

Helping you make the most out of Best Homepage Ever

Adding Websites

Add a website by clicking the plus sign on bottom right

To remove or rearrange sites, see customization section below.

Homepage Layout

Understanding the layout and features of your homepage


The website launcher!

  • Add, edit, move, or remove websites.
  • Right-Click on any website to edit it.
  • Change website icons, rearrange sites, or edit URL/Site Name


Organize your websites by category.

  • Sites are now categorized automatically as you add them in the toolbar.
  • Allows you to rearrange websites.

TIP: This can be hidden in settings.

My Account

Access your account details.

  • Edit your login details
  • Create tickets to get direct assistance
  • Provide feedback

Post-it / Stickies

Make quick notes to yourself.

  • Unlimited tabs can be made.

TIP: If you use multiple devices or browsers, you'll need to save your notes to access them cross-device.

sticky post-it note on Best Homepage Ever
Save button

Live News

Up-to-the-minute news, pulled from several news organizations.

  • Live News feed for Sports, Entertainment, Business, and Headline News.

TIP: You can use DOWN/UP arrow keys ( )on your keyboard to access news instantly from your homepage.


Allows full customization of your homepage appearance.

  • Select a background, show or hide any features (footer, search, clock, etc) instantly.
  • Choose your preferred search engine
  • Change website icon sizes
  • Show/Hide the clock

TIP: You can access the settings by also right-clicking on the homepage, or through the access menu.

Screenshot of Best Homepage Ever layout
The all new homepage design for 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Setup, fixes, and answers to your help questions

Initial Setup

The first and most important step to is to go into your browser settings and add as your homepage.


You can typically search for homepage (or startpage) in your settings to find the setting.

browser home button

If you do not have a home button on your browser, go into your browser settings, search for homepage and add this to your browser.

This makes it super convenient to access your homepage while browsing the Internet.

If you haven't done so already, create an account so that your custom sites, backgrounds, profile, and all your other settings are saved.

Also, this allows the homepage to be accessed among all of your devices and browsers.

Create My Free Account

Account Help

Although not required, you'll enjoy many additional features by creating a homepage account.

  • Saving your custom sites and settings to homepage's server
  • Allows for personal settings to be synced with other computers or browsers
  • Access to Homepage Support
  • Better homepage personalization

Creating an account is 100% free.

Logins from Best Homepage Ever Classic do not carry over to the main homepage. You will want to create a new account.

No problem! Go to Best Homepage Ever's login page (or click Login button at upper right part of homepage), and click Forgot Password. From there, you can just enter your email, and follow the prompts.

If you share the homepage on a desktop computer with others in your family (which I do), I recommend using multiple web browsers or browser logins.

Each browser will remember your unique ID, which will in turn remember your own personal websites, settings, and background.

For Google Chrome, for example, you can choose to have a separate login for your browser (pictured here).

Depending on some browser settings, you may be logging out of websites automatically each time you close your browser. This is a somewhat common browser setting. So, be sure to check your browser settings (typically this is found in the privacy settings).

If this is not the case, it's possible you have a corrupt cookie. To solve this problem, clear your cookies. This will log you out of every site though, but once you login again, it should stay logged in.

See also:

Help with Cookies for Chrome, Firefox, or Edge

If all of your websites are missing, it's likely because of one of two things:

Google Sign-in

You signed in with Google instead of your normal email. This can happen if/when you click the "Sign in with Google" pop-up when signing in, rather than using your typical email login.

To fix this, simply sign out of your account, and then sign back in with your email address.

Adding Sites while NOT logged in

Make sure you login before adding sites to your homepage. If you don't, then the websites you add will only be temporary.


Once you are logged in, click the settings button at the top right portion of the homepage. You can then choose to show or hide any of the many features that appear by default.

Click the button on your homepage.

Within this access menu, you can add any custom website or choose from a list of popular websites across the Internet.

Note: If your access menu is not visible, enable it in settings

Settings Display Settings Show Access Menu

Simply hover of the icon of the website you wish to remove from launchbar, then click the red minus icon at the upper right.

removing a website from homepage launchbar

NOTE: If you cannot remove a website, then it is placed there by webmaster and may not be removed.

Yes. Right-click any of your websites to pull up the website menu. Select [ Rearrange Sites ].

right-click menu on best homepage ever

You can then drag and re-position your websites. Tap the green save button.

There is also a rearrange button () on the taskbar.

best homepage ever classic logo Classic Version

If you cannot login, then the server needs restarted. I am unsure of why this issue has persisted, but please just email me and I'll restart it.

Here are the links to add the classic extension to your browser. These are unlisted and currently only available here:

Google Chrome Microsoft Edge


Option 1. If some of your icons appear odd, try to delete them, then re-add them.

Option 2. Still not fixed? Try signing out, doing a hard refresh of your browser's cache (CTRL + F5). Then signing back in.

Option 3. (persistent issue) If you still experience oddities, take note of your sites, and go to your account menu. Delete your account. Then, create a new account and add your websites back.

Note: If all of your websites are missing, please see above "My websites disappeared" under account help.

Best Homepage Ever is cross-browser and cross-device compatible.

As long as you are signed in on each browser under the same account, your settings and sites will be synced. If you made an update very recently, you can tap F2 to update to the most recent settings on any other browser.

Alternatively, click your profile and click the 'Sync' button (pictured below)

Best Homepage Ever Sync Button

If you have a sticky note overlapping the clock, it's probably because the resolution of your device is a bit lower than usual.

My best recommendation is to hide either the clock or the notes, which can be done in your Homepage Settings.

Homepage Settings Display Options Hide Notes/Clock

If you cannot get into your settings (i.e. Your menus or the header are hidden), then right-click on the homepage below the website icons (see image below for area).

Within this menu, you'll be able to get into your settings and display options.

right-click area of homepage

Browser Extension

Here! Download the free homepage browser extension

This free extension allows automatically sets your homepage and new tab page to BHE.

Disable New Tabs

Chrome EdgeFirefox

If you do not want the homepage to load in new tabs, left click on the extension and you can disable this feature.

If your new tabs aren't opening Best Homepage Ever, be sure it is enabled in your browser extensions settings.

If this didn't help, try disabling and re-enabling the extension in your browser's settings. If the issue persists, try uninstalling, and reinstalling the extension.

Need More Help?

You can now open a ticket for direct support!
Go to account menu support

Homepage Support
Account required.
Need one? Create an account.
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